I was awarded 'Best Student Film' at the Norwich Film Festival which was pretty exciting. It was the first festival to screen the film, the first one to give me an award and it was also the first year of the festival. I wish it much success in the future.

Last weekend I went to Canterbury AniFest. It was the first time I'd seen the film with a biggish audience and it was a good feeling. It was great to see Barry Purves again as he talked about things that influenced him. Also one of the judges is Peter Firmin, co-creator of Smallfilms, Bagpuss and The Clangers, who was very complimentary about Heartstrings and a pleasure to chat with. I walked away with the 'Runner Up', 'Technical Accomplishment' and 'Audience' awards. I won them I didn't just walk off with them. A huge thank you to everyone who voted for me and to the festival for being so supportive.
While in Canterbury I learned of a fireworks display near by organised by the British Fireworks Champions. It would've been rude not to go. I can report that it was excellent and also that the people of Kent don't appreciate how lucky they are.